My Struggles in Fashion

Ya’ll Vibe’N with Vanity or nah?  Today I decided to share a snippet of my struggles in the fashion world. The truth is, you have to have tough skin if you want to survive this shit.

Growing up, we all wanted the “kool” things our friends had.  We didn’t quite get it when our parents said “Stop being a follower, be a leader.”

Some people NEVER get that concept, but others, like me, OWN THAT CONCEPT.  Midway through high school, I realized that copycat lifestyle was not for me.  I started speaking to the world through fashion. I woke up every single day and “PUT IT ON”. But that came with a price.

Everyone would look at me like a weirdo because I looked different from the rest. Now don’t get me wrong, my fit was lit 😂; but it was also NOT what everyone else was wearing.  I found myself in a position where I just didn’t fit in anyone.  SHIT GOT HARD!

So what do you do? Go back to the basic ass trend following fashion or continue setting those trends for everyone to follow?  Well! Since I’m here now😂 you already know which path I chose.

I began to own my looks.  I knew that people would either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it.  Either way I absolutely their your attention and I made my statement. With that attitude, most people absolutely love it. To this day, I put on what I want, when I want, how I want and I OWN every minute of it.


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